Lingnan University
Previous phase:
August 2015 – July 2016
Current phase:
August 2016 – July 2017
20-30 secondary child victims of family violence additional info, aged 6-11 years
Previous phase:
Tuen Mun Family and Child Protective Services Unit
Current phase:
Tin Shui Wai Family and Child Protective Services Unit
An inter-professional team of 5 social workers, 1 art therapist and 2 researchers oversee the project, which includes:
At the end of each series, the children showed improvements in expressiveness, engagement, social interaction and teamwork.
“Training the trainers” is a core part of the project, for future sustainability. The art therapist train social workers on value of art therapy, and how to implement the activities, so that beyond this programme, they can continue to use art with child victims of family violence.
The artworks of these child victims of violence in the previous round showed common themes like traps, killing, death and weapons. Guided by the themes that arise in each child’s art, social workers helped the children work through these negative emotions through games, counselling and sharing.
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